Thursday, December 11, 2008

The big "D"

So I thought I'd do a blog for my new Baby girl to see when she is old enough! I wanted to express my thoughts and feelings, but then I just decided to blog!!!

Sitting in the waiting area at the OB/GYN!! I was just diagnosed with gestational diabetes and had to meet with a nutritionist, so anyway my appointment is at 10am and there I was still waiting at 10:30! I am not a very patient person when it comes to doctors offices! I work in one myself and just don't make a good patient!!

So I'm looking around "People Watching" trying to entertain myself while I wait! To my left are two elderly men... at the OB/GYN's office, both are sitting against the wall with their head back, chins in the air and mouths wide open!! Either they are napping or the boredom has ended their lives!!!! On my right side is a very small women about age 60 who just picked up the magazine I was planning on reading. She keeps clearing her throat and my nerves are about to get the best of me! I've never seen so many pregnant people in my life! How we all fit in this little room is beyond me, but here we are; half rubbing their pudgy round bellies, half scooting around in their chairs trying to get comfortable!

In walks this tall women probably about age ...oh I 'd say 65.. and she calls my name! I mean for real this women probably had children 40 years ago and now she's going to tell me how to take care of my unborn baby?!? So here we go into a small room with just a table and a bunch of plastic food like from a child's pretend kitchen lined up all over the place!

After this my mind is a blurrrrrr!! I just know that I am on this terrible diet and have to stick my fingers four times a day and report to this old woman! It's going to take a lot of work to get this under control, but if I 'm not real careful the old bat says my baby can weigh anywhere from 10- 12lbs!!!!! I've got some news for my doctor then, I am having a c-section! I'm not pushing a 10 pounder through this gateway! So this is where I am now.. eating, testing, snacking... over and over again all day!

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